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Bring Design Critiques Back to the Classroom

Bring Design Critiques Back to the Classroom

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This leads to the question of what is a design critique? A design critique is any type of meeting in which designers present unfinished materials to colleagues to get feedback. This feedback can range in breadth from positive comments about aspects that work to aspects that don’t work and should possibly be revised. Using feedback from peers to improve design concepts is the primary purpose of the design critique, it gives the designer to a chance to make improvements to the design. Typically, in these types of open feedback processes some ground rules or norms are adhered to, usually a set of 3-4 questions are posed to a group (should be at least 5 people) and they focus commentary on how the designs answer those questions. Keep in mind, the purpose of this type of meeting is to evaluate existing ideas for future direction or changes.

Building Classroom Data: Tying Lessons to Standards

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Education is being pushed to become and more data driven, instead of a teacher’s hunch that something needs to be changed it needs to be data that makes the decisions now. One of the most important pieces of data a teacher can use is achievement data.