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Methods for teaching in a digital enviornment

Writing Better Prompts for AI in Education

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Many in the educational community have a great deal of fear and concern regarding how ChatGPT and AI in general are used in the classroom by students. I believe that one of the ways that this fear and concern can be alleviated is to start to learn and use ChatGPT for educational tasks and build comfort with this new and growing technology.

Efficient School Cloud Drive Organization and File Naming Strategy

Another school year has come and gone. Now that I have time over summer break, I am going to work on organizing my work cloud drive to help bring a bit more order to the chaos that every school year inherently has. Every year I say that I am going to be better about keeping my work cloud drive neat and organized, but then the reality of creating files and assignments on the fly sets in and I just drop files in where I can so that I can move on to something else.

Fixing the Late Work Problem

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Late work is problem many teachers struggle to solve, in this article we will provide a couple of solutions to this problem.

Bring Design Critiques Back to the Classroom

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This leads to the question of what is a design critique? A design critique is any type of meeting in which designers present unfinished materials to colleagues to get feedback. This feedback can range in breadth from positive comments about aspects that work to aspects that don’t work and should possibly be revised. Using feedback from peers to improve design concepts is the primary purpose of the design critique, it gives the designer to a chance to make improvements to the design. Typically, in these types of open feedback processes some ground rules or norms are adhered to, usually a set of 3-4 questions are posed to a group (should be at least 5 people) and they focus commentary on how the designs answer those questions. Keep in mind, the purpose of this type of meeting is to evaluate existing ideas for future direction or changes.